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  • Writer's pictureRevati Panickar

Choosing your Path.

Every once in a while, life puts us in a crossroad, a decisive point which can be an overwhelming feeling of which path to choose and whether it is the right path. At such situations it may be the toughest decisions we make for our well-being and happiness. It may be difficult, but we make tough choices. We feel the extra pressure, we get the underlying feeling of "fear", a sense of overwhelming risk in deciding the future of the path we take.

There is no perfect blueprint to making the right choices. People take different roads seeking fulfillments and happiness. Just because they are not on your road doesn't mean they are lost. It simply means we need to widen our outlook and think through different perspectives which will empower us to choose the path that seems more reasonable and balanced.

The highest courage is to dare to be yourself in the face of adversity. Choosing right over wrong, ethic over convenience, and truth over popularity...these are choices that measure your life. Travel the path of integrity without looking back, for there is never a wrong time to do the right thing. (-Michael Moore)

When it is time to make a decision, remain calm. You can not make a rational decision when you are way too emotional. It is important to make a decision with a clear headspace, free of thoughts that could cloud your mind and ability to make the right choices.

Few things we need to make sure before with get into the process of decision making. We need to ask ourself, "why" is it important to choose the path, "how" will it affect me, "what" will be the outcomes of choosing the path. List the 'pros' and 'cons' to see the bigger picture. It may be good to take advise from a friend or person whom you can trust. Sometimes taking a step back from deciding can help you make the right choice.

Trust your instincts. You probably have a sense of which decision is the right one, so if all else fails you should go with your gut. Now, choose your path.  Make your decision based on what feels right for YOU.

No matter what decision you make, be prepared to accept responsibility for every outcome. If things don’t work out, it’s always better to have made a conscious decision than to have been careless. At least you will know that you made the best choice you could, given what you knew at the time.

Sometimes the right path is not the easiest, but in the end, the choice is yours, the path is yours.

All the best!

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